Thursday, February 25, 2010

The Treaty of Versailles (ended WW I)

The Treay of Versailles ended World War 1 in a bad way. It caused the Germany to clean up every single thing that they messed up, ruined, damaged, misplaced, or destroyed during World War 1. This was unfair because Germany alone did not do this as well as England and France and other countries also ruined things in Germany and other countries. Germany was forced to repair everything and this happened for the next 10 years.

Adolf Hitler rose to power so he can industrialize Germany once again as the other rulers did so Germany can be a big power like other European countries. As the years went on and on, Hitler industrializred Germany and it was once again a super power that had guns, supplies, surplus of food, big buildings, and lots of engineering. Then Hitler said that they will kill the jews because they did this to us and that they are dirty. The germans listened to him and started WW2

Some historians say that because of the Treaty of Versailles, the germans had to clean up them mess which angered adolf hitler and germany. The germans got really pissed off and started WW2 which was considered caused by the Treay of Versailles

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